Monday, April 24, 2006

On Hiatus again

So this 'morning' (noon and night) sickness has really kicked me in the arse. I have not kept anything down in over a week, so yes I'm calling the doctor today. Folding laundry requires me to take a 20 minute nap, obviously something ain't right. Saturday it all came to a head when I was lying on my bathroom tile with my body pillow in a fetal position crying and throwing up at the same time. I will certainly keep you posted on any changes in my condition!

UPDATE: I went to the doctor this morning and I've lost 5 lbs. in a week, so she put me on Reglan and may do an ultrasound next week to make sure nothing else is wrong. On a related note, my mother called me today, and said her neighbor lady told her throwing up is very normal for pregnancy. Fuck off, neighbor lady.


Unknown said...

Oh no!

Be well, Jana. I'll keep you and baby in my thoughts.

Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Janet said...

Trix is really giving you a run for your money, eh? I have a friend whose pregnancies were like what you are experiencing. She could barely sit up to take in liquids. The baby was totally fine- it was her body that didn't like being pregnant.

Wishing you only the best. Hugs.

Janet said...

Neighbor lady does have a point, though. :) I lost 7 lbs with this pregnancy- no throwing up needed! What is reglan? Did you at least get to hear baby's heartbeat? Can I ask anymore questions?

Bente said...

Oh jeez. I hope the baby or the Reglan gives you a much needed break soon.

Vajana said...

my two girls' pregnancies were nothing like this. Just like you said jbo, I can barely sit up at times, functioning is almost nil. The term used was hyperemesis gravitas or something like that. Lots of sick-y. Ugh. The pharmacist told me she was in the hospital twice with it when she was preggers, and the Reglan never helped. I've got my fingers crossed though! Trying, so trying to stay positive about it. Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

Unknown said...

I'll keep good thoughts for you (and baby) Jana...

Anonymous said...

Adorable photo. Feel better!!