Monday, July 21, 2008

Moving on Up

The inspections went well for the new house. Almost *too* well. The inspector tested out my jacuzzi bathtub and I almost stripped my clothes off and jumped in. I think that might have discounted the inspection price had I done so. Or inflated it, who knows.

Now all we are waiting for is the inspection of THIS house that we live in, which I am far more leery about. It's about 30 years old, and with that comes a lot of aging. I'm older than this house, but not much, and if houses ache the way we do, I can see where its joints and back may be hurting a wee bit. Unfortunately for houses you can't just go and slap some Ben-gay on. It requires a heckuva lot more, kind like of a tube of Ben Gay that costs about 2 grand.

So anyway. I will let you know how that goes down. He has to have them done by August 6th so i will know by then if the picture above will be where I'll be cooking dinner in the near future!

1 comment:

kalki said...

OMG, that is a fabulous kitchen. Love it!!