Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Weathering the Storm

whoa storm
Originally uploaded by Vajana.

Past weekend events, hmm.

On Friday, my kids were at the local water park and LP took the day off. On our way to Lowe's for paint for their rooms, we noticed the sky was a bit dark. Almost black as night. Okay, it was green. LP looked at me and said, "Uh, should our daughters really be near a large pool of water during an electrical storm?" We high-tailed it towards the water park.

On the news later that evening, they listed places tornadoes hit.

Yeah, they included the road we were driving on.

It was totally freaky, and we are so monumentously lucky. We had two power lines fall in front of our car, along with several trees/branches near us, beside us, behind us, but fortunately not on top of us.

We made it to the water park where my idols the Brownie leaders had all 50 or so girl scouts rounded in a room singing "Herman the Worm". I think they should incude that song in all disaster manuals.

When we got home, there was only minor damage to our house, a few limbs and branches but nothing substantial. We did not have power though, and everything in our freezer and fridge were lost. Big deal!

We spent the weekend at my parents, which was nice but also made me realize a weekend is about the perfect length of stay with my parents. By Sunday I was ready to get back home!

Of course in hindsight I really wished we would have taken a different road, but I guess it makes for a good story. And LP can once again tell people he saved me from the wrath of Mother Nature (just like the Ozark boat trip!) Oh he is my Hero.

Now to get on the roof and try to find some hail damage so we can get a new roof! I'm thinking we're SOL but it's worth a shot!


Unknown said...

Wowzer! I'm SO glad you are all ok after the storm! Yikes!

And, hey, I don't need to be telling you to stay off the roof, do I? :)

Amy said...

be careful up there!

Glad youse ok!