can I organize my thoughts into one coherent post or not is the question though. Probably not. I feel like I am putting together a Power Point presentation sometimes when I think about blogging. Put in my most important points with asteriks, timeline them, and put a small paragraph or two on the main ideas. My English teacher would have been so proud of my outlining abilities.
But I chuck it all and throw caution to the wind, instead just typing as I go and not knowing what might come out.
I've lost my voice the last few days, so that is probably the catalyst for my writing. I can't speak, but I can type, by golly. LP is enjoying it thoroughly, because when I try to speak I sound like a forlorn bullfrog, and even I can't stand the sound of that.
It's the last week of school for Al, and on Friday she will be a....SEVENTH GRADER. Dear Lord in Heaven pray for me. Also, I've become the mom from "Because I said so" in that there is this boy who just LURVS him some Al and she is so nonchalant about him...and I am all, "AL! He is SOOOO cute!! Are you kidding me!!" and she is, of course, all, "WhatEVER mom (tween eye roll)". Ah, do you realize when I started this blog she was in 2nd grade? Holy cripes.
Both of my kids are going back to the private school next year. Both of them were SUPPOSED to go to the public school, but somehow they coerced us into staying. Not sure how I feel about that yet, but I know they will both be happy there at any rate. Just hope it doesn't make them too sheltered is all....
RUG still has a few weeks of school left, she is at the public school right now...they leave in June for Greece, and I am still torn about whether to go or not. I have a small window of opportunity if I do go. Anyway, her grades have improved significantly at the public school, esp. in READING (she likes to read! And gets books without me begging!) so I was disappointed when she said she wanted to go back to the other school. I know it's because it's been hard making friends for her, but I do wish she would have given it more of a chance. Funniest thing she did lately: For Mother's Day, she wrapped up an old bracelet of mine, with a card attached that said: "Please check here if I'm the best kid ever: Yes: No: "
She is awesome.
Mo is crazier every day. We have yet to set sail for the Potty Training Island but that will be here soon enough. Sneezing in front of Mo is the best, the way she says, Bless you! and then you say thank you, her 'You are WELCOME' is the sweetest thing since the invention of Laffy Taffy. Also, she really, really loves rocks.
My goose family has grown, because apparently they told their goose cousins about our place and so we now have 3 families of geese on our pond. Makes for a lot of cute gosling sightings.
On an unfortunate note, a bird has tried multiple times to create a nest in our BBQ grill. And she is PISSED about us taking it out every day. I feel bad, cuz, really, flying from here and there with all those twigs and such? TONS of work I'm sure. Only for her to find it gone again the next morning? Yeah, I'd be chirping my head off too. LP finally duct taped the holes on the side so she wouldn't start again. I love me some birds, but I really love LP's BBQ more, sorry.
Finally, last note, Debutant passed away yesterday, which just SUCKS for anyone who was ever touched by her, including ME. She was a beautiful soul, and will be missed terribly. I am in conjunction with Circus Kelli, trying to start up a Twitter page so her 'daily assignments' can continue as a tribute to her and her universal awesomeness.
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
2 weeks ago
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