AL: "Mom, remember when I asked for help with my reading homework and you gave me the answer?"
Me: "Yes."
Al: "Well, it was wrong. It was 'bait', not 'freight.'"
Me: "Oh?"
AL: "But I don't feel bad for you. Hunter's mom got it wrong too."
Me: "Gee, thanks."
Al: "I meant, don't FEEL bad. Cuz you got it wrong."
Me: "Right."
LP: (laughing) "Yes, she won't feel bad about getting YOUR homework wrong!"
Rug: "Oh, yeah that's is just CLASSIC."
Me, LP, Al: ?
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
2 weeks ago
Ummm, I just got a question...I just happened to look over there on the sidebar and inquiring minds want to know...what's a "sock monkey"?
sock monkeys? They are all over the place. They're the monkeys made out of socks with the big fat red lips. They're terrifying.
That's definitely a perk to motherhood. You answer incorrectly, but really, you are always right. Because you are always "mom." At least that's the card my mom frequently played, and the one I intend to play someday, too.
"Mom, what's 4x2?"
"Isn't it 8?"
"Nope. It's 12."
"I think it's 8, mom."
"Listen, I'm your mother. And I say it's 12. Trust me."
Oh, the trickery there shall be. ; )
A classic! Ha! Gotta love kids.
Of course. Everybody knows that "bait" always follows "jail."
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